Traffic control services are a vital part of all roadway construction projects, ranging from highways and arterials to bridges and smaller roads.
Often, in construction zones, the only traffic control seen by motorists are flaggers, diversion cones, signage, and perhaps uniformed officers. In reality, there is much more behind the scenes that ultimately results in the people and traffic control measures at a jobsite. We also carry a range of smart technology, allowing you to enhance your work zone: add detection and automation to keep road users informed and capture data. We offer queue detection, remote fleet management, automated flaggers, and more.
SafetyWe recognize the most important aspect of managing any event is keeping your participants and the general public safe – our top-of-the-line purpose-built equipment and fully trained Traffic Control People can ensure safety for all. | EfficiencyDelineation, signage, message boards, and more are carefully pre-planned and installed by our traffic safety experts to keep road users informed as they travel through your event space. | No LiabilityWhen you hire AGS to set-up and manage your event’s traffic control, we take on any relevant liability. Focus on planning your event without worrying about potential risk. |
Effective Training for Best Practices
Safe and effective traffic control starts with employing and training the right people for the job, as well as implementing best practices for safety. As every jobsite will be unique, custom safety and traffic control plans must be developed in advance of the commencement of a project, taking into account the type and location of the project. Flaggers, supervisors, signage, and other traffic control measures are the end result of such planning.
Traffic Control Services
At AGS, we provide a full range of traffic control services.
We invite you to contact us to learn more about our traffic control services.
Event Traffic ControlAGS has the supplies, training, and people to ensure all road users are safe at and around your event – sporting events, marathons, festivals and more. Contact us today to start planning your next event. | Lane ClosuresAGS has the planning expertise, trained personnel, and equipment for any lane closure. We’ll manage your closure from the planning to the installation of delineation and smart technology. Contact us for your next lane closure. | Work Zones and Smart TechnologyAGS has everything from automated flagging devices to message and arrow boards that can be remotely programmed and scheduled. Learn more about Smart Workzone Technology |
FlaggingOur certified traffic control flaggers and supervisors are trained and ready for projects of any size. Contact us today with your flagging needs. | Traffic Control PlanningEstablishing a traffic control plan before your lane closure or event is key- our traffic experts are here to help. Request your Traffic Control Plan | Certified Pilot Car DriversTalk to the experts at AGS today for any transportation projects that may require pilot cars and drivers – we’re happy to help. Contact us today with your project needs. |